
El trabajo de la Pintora Mercedes Barcia, es sorprendente, pues puede localizar detalles grabados en el inconsciente de la persona a través de la descripción de un dibujo hecho con pinturas naturales… Quiero confesar mi excépticismo al principio y mi agradecimiento total y sincero al final… Totalmente complacida con la atención quiero recomendar su trabajo por ser una técnica maravillosa en el encuentro con uno mismo, saludos amigos del Perú y del mundo

Mercedes’ artwork is beautiful and sensitive. She captures images of flowers particularly well. She is an intuitive artist, and has the ability to decipher meaning from the work of others. In other words she can give an intuitive reading of any painting. I recommend her work, it’s beautiful!

Quiero agradecer enormemente a usted Señora pintora: Mercedes Barcia Boria por ese taller de pintura a base de plantas semillas y cosas naturales su técnica y habilidad tan especial y única. Fue una experiencia maravillosa y sorprendente ver cómo en una pintura fue describiendo las diferentes etapas y situaciones de mi vida con tanta presicion. No lo podía creer pero lo acepté por que no hay manera que usted supiera nada de mi vida. En fin quiero agradecerle una vez más y recomiendo altamente su trabajo por técnica que utiliza quede muy satisfecha y deseo que siga ayudando a más personas a vivir esa experiencia de encontrarse con uno mismo saludos y un abrazo a la distancia.

I had a beautiful experience with Mercedes interpreting my painting. She’s very sweet and talented in her gift with artwork and storytelling. Her story for me is very true about my life and that felt like a magical experience. I can’t wait to return to Kapitari and give Mercedes a big hug. She is truly an amazing soul.

Felicidades por tu nuevo proyecto, que auguro será exitoso. Hace exactamente un año tuve la grata y bonita experiencia de conocer tu trabajo, donde participé en una actividad con pintura orgánica dirigida por ti y luego la interpretación de la misma. Fue una experiencia divertida y gratificante para mi, pues el arte en sí ya es maravilloso en todas sus formas. Tu interpretación de mi pintura fue muy acertada y veraz, aparte de interesante. Muy linda experiencia mi querida Mercedes. Gracias!. 🤗

2017 i went to an little town in peru named Iquitos. There i met a Women with the Name Mercedes. From the first second i knew that this women knows the language of the heart and life. And i knew that she sees you and parts of you of them you didn’t even know they exist. I met her in the jungle and we made then an appointment in Iquitos where we past thru the old market and had amazing chats, there are almost 40 years between her and me but there was no difference just an big connection and that we know each other for a lifetime! I ended up in her house where she brought her self made colors and pencils and i started to paint no time limit no pressure beside she is an vreally talented artist. So i finished my painting and she started to read and read in my painting like i wrote a book about me and my life. Here is just one thing to say.

Everything what she’s been reading was true even about the future. And there is one big point your future isn’t written! It’s just an possibility and it’s your decision witch path you take. She helped me so much to get rid of my chains and to open up my wings and learn to fly again. To feel your truly self and your environment and the right to be happy. I really would recomend every single human being to talk to her cause she’s gonna help you to reconnect with your heart. Since i met her i came back to my truly self and started to wake up. now i’m able again to wake up with an smile , able to chose witch way i wanna and have to go , able to listen to my heart and to see the beauty of life. Mercedes is not gonna change you with some superpowers she will just put you in the front of an mirror and help you to see yourself again how you came to earth as an beautiful light

— Ivan Ivankovic

I met Mercedes in the beginning of May 2018. She welcomed me with open arms into her home in Iquitos, Peru.

We went straight to mixing colors out of Lemon, Tumeric, Paprika Powder and Soya Sauce for the painting each one of us was about to create.

Just letting go the mind and following the paint brush.

After we had finished painting Mercedes started to read and interpret our curves, lines, circles etc… . And that did blow my mind.

With a loving, motherly calmness she observed first and slowly started verbalizing what she saw. Exciting and interesting to begin with and slowly going deeper and deeper into the matter of my unconsciousness. Turning the painting around very gracefully and careful as if she is handling a precious art piece, she explains me what she sees and asks questions which are triggering my emotions. Mercedes mentions themes and happenings in my life which are so precise that I can only be in awe for her. With her wonderful blessing she is bringing light to issues, problems in order to look at them, to resolve them. Like a Mum, she is taking my hand and guides me to understand a little bit more of myself.

And if you are lucky like me, you even get answers you were looking for.

I truly enjoyed every minute with Mercedes.

Muchas Gracias to a beautiful woman.

May she be able to shine some light into us all!

Mercedes has a true talent when it comes to reading the drawings. Not knowing how to draw at all I was quite nervous about participating in her workshop. I did enjoy working with her natural colors and draw some random lines and objects on the canvas. I was really impressed that Mercedes was able to accurately portray my situation and a state of mind. Her workshop was very helpful to me and was a lot of fun. Mercedes is a very gifted and a very pleasant, caring and nice person to be around. I highly recommend participating in her workshop.

In my humble opinion, there aren’t words powerful enough to render justice to a human such a Mercedes Barria. I first met Meche in an ayahuasca retreat center. Following my retreat week, I had the privilege to interact with her. She is a gifted soul. Thanks to her, my Ayahuasca visions were completed. She connects with people in various ways, one of which is through a painting one paints. She took one look at a “sad tree” as she called it i painted and broke down my life, previous painful experiences, childhood memories I buried deep in my subconscious. Everything she described I won’t lie and say her whole persona didn’t feel like a slap across the head, but its that slap I needed to wake up. She has this unique talent to become one with you and render life more bearable along with the silly problems we tend to create in our minds. Her humility has taught me a lot. She taught me that life is a precious privilege meant to be lived to the fullest, that no matter what it throws at me to always stay brave, because this to shall pass.

I am so grateful for her everyday. If you’re lucky enough to come across her, the words you are reading will make a lot more sense because you will be lucky enough to actually experience the inner peace she spreads. Months later, from home she still sends me encouragement and loving messages. Thank you Meche for being Meche.